Friday, November 4, 2011

Best of Today

          In class today I really liked how we spent the whole day watching Youtube videos that students chose. Originally I thought it was just a time to relax; it was quite the opposite. Watching the wide variety of videos, I realized how different and unique each individual student is. Everyone's perception of beauty and creativity was displayed through the video they chose.

          This activity made me wonder about what events in their lives influenced the students and how it defined their interests in life. I came to the conclusion that there was an endless amount of possibilities of how each student appreciates things. For example, one of the students chose a video clip of the Jackass crew. Although some people see stupidity, the student that chose the video sees art within their bizarre actions.

          After the period was over, I really connected the experience to my own knowledge and beliefs. I believe that a person should be open to all sorts of ideas because it will benefit them not only as a person, but also in the artistic perspective. Personally, I would like to use this activity more often; whenever I am with friends, this activity can help everyone to know each other on a deeper level by merely showing Youtube videos they think is interesting. Such a simple idea can take one so far.

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