Sunday, October 30, 2011

iMedia: John Mayer:Heart of Life

          John Mayer's song Heart of Life really portrays that life isn't always what you expect it to be. Life is blunt; life throws you down. But people tend to focus the hardships in their lives, completely disregarding all of the great things going for them; not to mention the people they have in their lives.

          This song really spoke out to me because I've had a number of personal struggles just like everyone else and it really altered my outlook on life. Being a natural pessimistic, this song encourages me to look forward to the good things in life, which balances out the share of bad events in life. Helping me realize that the things I look forward to in life are so amazing, as a result, I began looking at the hardships as stages in my life to help me become a stronger version of myself. 

          Not only did I start looking forward to the good things in life, I began to appreciate my friends more. The song explains that the "circle of your friends will defend the silver lining" and "love turns the whole thing around." These lines helped me realize that I can't do everything on my own. Without the love of my family members, I would not be here today. There's one more thing I realized. My friends' roles were to make me laugh, spend time with me, and another that I ceased to realize - take care of me.

           By personifying life, John mayer sings that the "heart of life is good" and has good intentions. The idea of live having good intentions can really affect our culture today especially with the high rates of depression, including the teenage population. If somehow as a culture we can incorporate this idea into the minds of society, people of all ages will pursue life with a completely different attitude. If the people unsatisfied with their lives were able to understand this concept, they will be able to comprehend what life is about. 

         Not one single person on this planet can endure life without their loved ones, including friends. People will be able to understand that not only do they need their loved ones, but their loved ones need them.

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