Monday, October 10, 2011


          In Andrew's blog, he decided to connect the concept of creativity and humor, specifically in the show "Whose Line is it Anyway?" He explains how the skill of creativity can help a comedian's talent of entertaining his or her audience by making the skit original. The more creative a comedian is, the wider the spectrum of his or her skit can be. The cast of "Whose line is it Anyway" all have their own unique sense of humor. Since creativity has no limits, the variety of humor is endless in the show, which is why the show was so successful. The show is full of surprises and keeps you on your toes. Without creativity, the variety of humor will not be what it is today or maybe even cease to exist.

         In Kevin's blog, he explains the concept of Yin and Yang. Kevin explains the basic meaning of Yin and Yang, which is the balance of all things, and how it is required in our society. Using the United States of America's Government as an example, he demonstrates how the balance of powers between the actual government and the people make up what our society is today. With the power of Checks and Balances, we as a society, are able to function efficiently. Maintaining a balance in everything we do may be difficult, however the outcome of maintaining a balance benefits us as humans. Receiving an equal amount of both Yin and Yang helps us grow and strive for goals in life. Knowing the counterpart will always give you the upper hand in life. Balance is what keeps the world functioning.

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