Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Curation Progress Report: Week 3

         Too be honest, this week was not a good week in consideration of my Curation Website. I continued to research my topic, however, I could not find any new useful information. I don't know if it was because I cannot think of the next step to Improvisation, but finding new information was very tough.

        When I think of a step, I continue to find flaws in them and decide to think of a new one. I don't know if it's because I am over analyzing everything. Maybe for this coming week I should just shoot for anything that pops up in my head. After I come up with an idea, then I should work on top of it rather than getting a step perfectly at the first attempt

         I know in my last post, I said that I wanted to overcome my obstacles and think of the next steps without making mistakes of skipping a step. However, this time, I couldn't even come up with a step. I guess in a way, this week's obstacle was getting over last week's obstacles. Constantly, I researched, but everything I found did not help me all too much.

        However, I did find additional information for my previous steps such as videos from Youtube. I found a couple, but I don't know which one would be the most of helpful because all of these videos are with the guitar or piano. I need to find a video that can help people with any instrument, not just specifics.

         For next week, I am hoping to be more creative in my thinking. I want to think in different approaches to come up with more and more steps opposed to hitting a wall, coming up with nothing. I need to find my own style and flow to make my blog unique; I want my blog to be one of a kind that everyone talks about. I want to help the future musicians.

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