Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Curation Progress Report: Week 3

         Too be honest, this week was not a good week in consideration of my Curation Website. I continued to research my topic, however, I could not find any new useful information. I don't know if it was because I cannot think of the next step to Improvisation, but finding new information was very tough.

        When I think of a step, I continue to find flaws in them and decide to think of a new one. I don't know if it's because I am over analyzing everything. Maybe for this coming week I should just shoot for anything that pops up in my head. After I come up with an idea, then I should work on top of it rather than getting a step perfectly at the first attempt

         I know in my last post, I said that I wanted to overcome my obstacles and think of the next steps without making mistakes of skipping a step. However, this time, I couldn't even come up with a step. I guess in a way, this week's obstacle was getting over last week's obstacles. Constantly, I researched, but everything I found did not help me all too much.

        However, I did find additional information for my previous steps such as videos from Youtube. I found a couple, but I don't know which one would be the most of helpful because all of these videos are with the guitar or piano. I need to find a video that can help people with any instrument, not just specifics.

         For next week, I am hoping to be more creative in my thinking. I want to think in different approaches to come up with more and more steps opposed to hitting a wall, coming up with nothing. I need to find my own style and flow to make my blog unique; I want my blog to be one of a kind that everyone talks about. I want to help the future musicians.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Curation Progress Report: Week 2

          This week, as usual, I continued to research on the steps to be an amazing improviser on any instrument. Last week, I put "Knowledge" as my first step to improvising; and I said knowledge of the scales is the most important thing before learning how to improvise. However, after researching this week, I realized knowledge of the scales is not the first step. The first step is knowledge, but a different kind of knowledge.

           The actual first step is the knowledge of notes! Before I even began my curation website, I wanted something that was easy and simple to help my viewers to take improvisation one baby step at a time. But I realized that I jumped the gun and I assumed that each viewer already knew all of the notes and can play scales right away. So this week I knew I had to take a step back for my viewers. 

           For my curation website, the biggest obstacle I am facing is to finding the next step. I constantly have an "ah hah" moment, but then once I start to build on top of it, I realize it's wrong. There's always a step I skip and miss, which is not good because I need to provide that information to my viewers who are trying to learn. 

           However, regardless of these obstacles, I know there will be more and I have to overcome them. So my next three steps I want to take is to find my next two steps by next week. I want to be able to move on to my next two steps of the improvisation process without moving backwards. Secondly, I want to find some good videos of tutorials that can help my viewers have a visual. Third, I want to make my website more appealing. I feel like it's kind of dull, but I have to learn how to catch more of the viewers' eyes. 

          One thing i can do to make the project run more smoothly is by not doing my research on a million sources at once. While I do my research, I have at least fifteen tabs on my internet browser and it's overwhelming and I just get drained and have more trouble concentrating. This week I want to find one reliable source and put forth all of my concentration and absorb all of the information I need to make my curation site the best site for future improvising musicians!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Curation Progress Report: Week 1

        Throughout all of the research I've done to find how to become a create improviser on any instrument, there is one thing I found to be the foundation of improvising: Scales. Regardless of what instrument one plays, one needs knowledge before becoming a great musician. On almost all of the websites I have come across, learning the scales was one of the first steps so I decided that this is the first thing I should address on my curation website.

        In the aspect of organizing my curation website, I wanted to keep it simple and straight to the point. So to start off my site, I simply wrote two small paragraphs as an introduction to explain to my readers that knowledge is the first thing required before learning to improvise. With a little bit of explanation in my own words, I also provided a site that explains better than I could about scales to get my readers started.

         Because my first point referred to the significance of knowledge, I set my background as bunch of shelves of books. It may be cliche, but I thought it suited my topic very well. Once I learn a little bit more throughout the process, I will be adjusting the design quite often.

        Overall, I did not do a whole lot to my curation website, but it is a start. I wanted to just kick off with a simple and easy introduction to get my readers started. The reason I want to pursue simplicity is because when I attempted to learn how to improvise, my teacher overwhelmed me with a vast sea of information on music theory and it just ate away my motivation to learn. Rather than becoming a hassle, I want my readers to take baby steps and take in the information little by little.