Monday, November 21, 2011

Metacognition: Get Organized "Did I Always Have That?"

        Everyday my mom would constantly nag me to organize my desk. I would subconsciously nod my head in agreement, but I would just continue with what I was doing at that moment. When we were assigned to organize something for homework, I figured I'd organize my desk to kill two birds with one stone.

        As I scanned the things on my desk, I began to think of how I can organize all of the random items. Each individual items were completely different so I had no idea how to organize my desk. What's even worse is that almost every object I picked up, I asked myself,  "did i always have that?" It seemed like there was no possible way to do this task.

        Something I noticed about my thinking process was that, the second I was stumped, I would have a complete brain fart. My thinking process and mind would just stop and draw a blank. I realized that this isn't the first time this has happened to me. This project has made me realize that my thinking process is quite underdeveloped. My creativity and ability to go beyond and think outside of the box is extremely limited. As a direct consequence, in everything I do at school, I tend to be the last one to complete it compared to my peers.

        Although I wish that my thinking process was a lot more efficient and quick, I do appreciate that I am able to work on a task for a long period of time without taking breaks. My mind simply would not let me take a break from organizing my desk, even though it took me quite a while. The hardworking ethic that has been engraved into my head has subconsciously helped me throughout all of high school in my academics. 

        After completing the project, something I didn't know before was that I am a total slob living in a pig pen. Before I started the project, I was dreading it. During the project, I was dreading it. But after I had finished and saw how clean my desk was, I was quite satisfied and proud and even flaunted my desk to my mom.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

iMedia: Michael Jackson: Man in the Mirror

          In Michael Jackson's song "Man in the Mirror," he talks about how he wants the world to change. One thing that is different from all of the other people that desire a better world is that Michael Jackson if he wants to see a difference in the world, he has to be start with himself. His lyrics really spoke to me and got me thinking.

          Personally, I think this is a very humble and mature approach to creating a better world. When I think about all of the times I criticized the flaws and faults of this world, I realized that I completely disregarded the fact that I, too, have to change. If I continually watch as a spectator, I will receive no satisfaction because nothing will change; I'll have a better chance if I, myself, changed in the ways I want the world to change.

          If everyone realized this idea and began to change themselves first, civilization on planet Earth would be a far better place, especially the United States of America. Foreign countries look down on America and its views and cultures. As a people, we are known to be selfish, stuck up, and full of pride.When each individual progressively changes their ways of life, America as a country would have such a far more popular and likable reputation.

          One other aspect of this song I really appreciate is the verse "I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life. It's gonna feel real good." This verse really says not only could you make a difference in the world, but it will "feel real good." Giving the needy assistance has an outcome, a reward. That reward is feeling good for doing a good deed.

          This song is very important to me, not only because the catchy tune, but because its deep meaning. I honestly feel that this song should and could be the revolution to how humanity should be. Rather than saving up money for that car or that iPod, use the money to help the needy. Give the money to the people who truly need our assistance opposed to showering ourselves with luxuries, which only provides for temporary satisfaction and feeds the greedy hunger within us. If you want to see change in the world, start with you.

Michael Jackson: Man in the Mirror

Friday, November 4, 2011

Best of Today

          In class today I really liked how we spent the whole day watching Youtube videos that students chose. Originally I thought it was just a time to relax; it was quite the opposite. Watching the wide variety of videos, I realized how different and unique each individual student is. Everyone's perception of beauty and creativity was displayed through the video they chose.

          This activity made me wonder about what events in their lives influenced the students and how it defined their interests in life. I came to the conclusion that there was an endless amount of possibilities of how each student appreciates things. For example, one of the students chose a video clip of the Jackass crew. Although some people see stupidity, the student that chose the video sees art within their bizarre actions.

          After the period was over, I really connected the experience to my own knowledge and beliefs. I believe that a person should be open to all sorts of ideas because it will benefit them not only as a person, but also in the artistic perspective. Personally, I would like to use this activity more often; whenever I am with friends, this activity can help everyone to know each other on a deeper level by merely showing Youtube videos they think is interesting. Such a simple idea can take one so far.