Monday, April 23, 2012

Metacognition: the Mashup Process

         Throughout the Mashup project, one specific thought of process I had was "what's next?" After I decided what to do on one of the steps, I asked my self how I should transition to the next step in one voice. During this time of questioning, too be honest, I did not do as much as I should have. I tried to almost force out any knowledge I could think of. However, all of my ideas just did not seem to work. I grew frustrated.

         My dynamics of thinking were very poor in the beginning. I wasn't thinking out of the box. All I did was to jog up any memories of the curriculum since August, and it did nothing. Then it hit me. Realizing that the answers won't just come up in my head, I actually began to search.

         I began to search through previous novels and excerpts we read earlier this year. This is where I found most of my information. Utilizing quotes from Sophie's World and Letter from a Birmingham Jail, my mashup began to form. Slowly, I constructed more ideas on top of this foundation of quotes.

          What really surprised me about my thinking was how my mind worked in general throughout the project. When I really got in the zone while working on this, my mind began to go on cruise control. Browsing through quotes and the mashup and rearranging the different steps, I did many things almost at once.

         What was the most surprising to me was how the mashup actually turned out. I was almost in disbelief at how I, Danny Kang, actually made such a project on my own. I doubted myself at first, but after seeing the results, it was a very rewarding feeling.

         One thing I wish I did better was to utilize more pictures. Although I was very content with out the mashup turned out, I realized that there were very few visuals. Personally, visuals make a project much more interesting to a viewer. I only hope that the other aspects of the mashup really makes up for the lack of visuals. Hopefully the context of it will make the point I wished to get through.

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