Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Captured Thought: Major in Music, Not Medical

          Ever since my brother went into the medical field, my family kept pressuring me to pursue the same dream as my brother. My family wants me to grow up wealthy so I can provide my children with a good life that my family couldn't provide to my brother and me.

          I thought it was a good idea. Academically, science was always my favorite subject since it is so interesting to me. Since it was my favorite and best subject I figured that the medical field was the most suited for me. 

          Becoming a pharmacist was my goal ever since I was in elementary school until this year when I realized I love music and playing music. Playing the acoustic guitar was a hobby I picked up in 7th grade. My brother would always teach me a new chord to practice everyday and I loved it. I never figured I would want to do it for a living until I got a lot better. 

           When the idea of majoring in music came to me, the medical field meant nothing to me. Although I would earn a lot of money in the medical field, I wouldn't enjoy it as much as playing the guitar for a living. The idea hit me. It doesn't matter if I make less money as long as I love doing it. The saying of "money can't buy you happiness" became so real to me. Doing what I love as a living is the happiest I can become in life. The joys of having all the money in the world wouldn't come close to the joys music brings to me. 

1 comment:

  1. This is really profound. I think it is very interesting that you made a connection with your brother. I think it is really great that you have been able to come to your own mind in figuring out what is best for you. It was great that you have been able to come to your own decision making, through all the pressure that is present in today's society. In my eyes, today's world is very easily a scary place, that can leave one feeling trapped or troubled. One of the most powerful and useful ways to overcome fear and create your own, humble path is to listen to yourself and give yourself time to think, alone. I think that you have done a great job of this in finding a love for music, despite the rushed world around us and the wonder of following in your brothers footsteps to a medical-based job.
    Music is powerful and I think that it is one of the best ways to emotionally connect with oneself and one's surroundings.
