Monday, December 12, 2011

An Inconvenient Truth: I Am Not a Monkey

          Ever since I was in elementary school, my science classes basically said that mankind came from monkeys. As a Christian, you can see where conflicts may occur when I learn about evolution. Thinking about the theory of evolution honestly makes me furious. I don't get angry at the fact that it sounds so bizarre as other people might think, I get annoyed at the fact that evolution can sometimes make so much sense to me, but that would disprove my belief in Christianity to a certain extent. 

         Some people simply tell me that there's no wrong in believing in both evolution and Christianity; I can't. Consciously I am convinced that I lean towards Christianity, but I don't know what happens subconsciously. All of the scientific evidence to prove the theory of evolution makes it more plausible and so much easier to believe. I think the idea of scientists making evolution more difficult to deny with all the evidence really infuriates me. 

         If I were to agree that evolution is true, then that indirectly means I am denying Christianity, because according to the bible, Adam and Eve were created, not from monkeys, but from God. Evolution toys with my faith in Christianity causing it to grow more and more unstable, which for some reason drives me crazy, even though I am not a very devout Christian. My mind just can't settle to accept that these two completely opposite ideas, both, may be true.  

         Another thing that bothers me about this topic is that non-Christians point out that the idea of believing a supreme being is completely unrealistic. I agree that it sounds a little iffy, but the idea that mankind came from monkeys is just as crazy. What's even worse is that I can't argue because I sometimes lean more towards evolution.

          I have personally experienced phenomenons that proves, to me at least, that Christianity does exist. My own mother passed away, and re-obtained her life after praying! There has been incidents on the news where two kids who never met, both passed away and went to heaven, and came back to life. One of the kids drew an image of Jesus, and the other kid was able to pick out that exact, same picture from a collection of other pictures. The fact that evidence of Christianity does exist and people fail to believe these miracles, but believe that we came from monkeys drives me nuts.

        Kind of like riding a seesaw, going back and forth, I find myself not being able to stick with one finite decision. The theory of evolution simply brings stress upon me due to all of the debate and "what if's" and "but's." The only way to come to terms with it in my opinion is to avoid heavy conversations or debates about this topic. If not, I get too angry and can't help but get too caught up with it and potentially blow up on someone.